Friday, June 19, 2015


All 8 to 10 year olds should stand for president. They should be ministers, members of parliament at that age. All 8 year olds should be midwives and nurses. Everyone from as early as 8 through to 16 should own houses, cars and be in-charge of our school system. In fact, all schools should end by the time children are 16 or maybe let’s say when they are 8. There is no point for universities, or any other secondary or tertiary education institute. Abolish it all! There is no point in it all. If we as adults are going to send an 8 year old into marriage, we assume he/she can have a family, raise children and grow a community. We should take the next step and also nominate them for government office. Shouldn't that be the natural progression! While we are at it, lets break down all the secondary schools and universities. Now that we have married them off, there is no need for further education. We’ve taken them out of school in the first place! Let’s stand up and chant and shout: “ALL 8 YEAR OLDS FOR PRESIDENT, ABOLISH SCHOOLS AFTER 2 YEARS OF EDUCATION. THAT WHAT WE ARE DOING, THAT IS OUR FUTURE! THAT’S WHAT WE ARE CREATING!” ALL 8 YEAR OLDS FOR PRESIDENT!

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